Martin Kaptein.

Saxophone Exam Hanneke Veldhuizen June 25th 2021

Saxophone Exam Hanneke Veldhuizen June 25th 2021

On June 25th 2021 the saxophonist Hanneke Veldhuizen will perform her final exam for her bachelor at the ArtEZ conservatory in Zwolle, The Netherlands. Martin Kaptein has the honor of accompanying Hanneke during part of her performance, including for following works:

  • Alexander Scriabin - Romance
  • Caesar Franck - Violin Sonata (arr. for saxophone)

Time and location

The concert will commence at 19:00 and take place in the Hanzestrohmzaal of the Schouwburg Odeon in the city of Zwolle, The Netherlands. For ticket information see the website of Zwolse Theaters. Feel free to have a look at the website of Hanneke Veldhuizen too.


Here is the poster of Hanneke Veldhuizen for her final exam:

Poster bachelor final exam Hanneke Veldhuizen

Poster bachelor final exam Hanneke Veldhuizen

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